Thursday, 10 December 2009

Cast Decisions

We have asked one of our friends to star in our video as the main female/“The girlfriend”. We wanted to use a person who was around the same age as the girl in the real band so that when our actress lip-syncs; the visuals fit the voice in a roundabout way.

Also we referred back to our audience research and saw that our target audience is mainly girls who are aged 15 to 17 years old. We have chosen a song and video theme, which is in a way quite biased and in favour of female opinion.
Also the girl we have asked already has a full A-Level in
Theatre Studies and has a lot of acting experience and she too is a Media Studies student so we know that she will take our direction well.

We decided that “The Girlfriend” and the male actor we will chose to play the “boyfriend” in our music video have to be comfortable with each other so we chose a friend of our main female to play the “boyfriend”.

Similarly, with the girls we have asked to play girlfriend’s friends, we wanted the actors to appear natural and comfortable together and so we are using friends of the actress who is playing girlfriend.

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